Plant Babies!!!!

Well, it’s March 3, and we are starting the crazy planting season and my first year as a real farmer. I’m listening to people tell me when to start planting, and this seems to be the right week for early starters like Tomato, pepper, basil, asparagus, strawberries and flowers.

The first thing we did was germinate them in mason jars by variety, with 80mL water and 8mL 3% hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours near a heat source, and the wood stove ledge was perfect and warm. Hydrogen peroxide in small doses is crucial for the success of your garden. It opens the seed pods up to oxygen and helps chemically scar the seeds and remove bacteria when you soak them overnight. It prevents mould, treats fungus and is so safe the 10:1 ratio you can actually water your plants with it to keep them clean and disease free during its life cycle sporadically and it doesn’t hurt the soil or the plant. 

Today, we took them down and planted the seeds. A few kinds, they actually grew a root tail!!! Check it out: 

Louise was busy planting tiny tomato seeds in the pods, and then put the delicate seeds like jalapeños and strawberries in the make up pads and sprayed lightly with water. 

I worked on the basil and various others in the large pots.  We left the flower seeds like Lupins and 4 Oclocks and asparagus in the solution for one more day as their seeds are huge. (If you leave it longer than 36-48 hours your seeds can rot.). We are so excited, and we have a greenhouse set up and once those seedlings start to come up we are gonna switch on the grow light! 

Please stay tuned as the adventure continues. How can life be any better?? 💕


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